MSBOA District IV
Band & Orchestra Festival
Date | Friday , February 28, 2025
Location | Lake Orion High School
Transportation | BHS School Busses
Concert Band/Wind Symphony Performance Time | 5:50 pm
Symphonic Band Performance Time | 8:10 pm
Student Attire | Concert Black e.g. a solid black dress or solid black dress shirt, solid black dress pants, solid black socks, and solid black shoes.
About the Festival
MSBOA stands for Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association. Berkley High school is a member of MSBOA in District IV. Band and Orchestra Festival provides participating bands and orchestras with the opportunity to perform and receive feedback from four professional music education adjudicators. Participating bands must perform three pieces of music. 1) a concert march, 2) a composition from the MSBOA Basic Music List, and 3) a composition at the discretion of the performing band to be adjudicated by three different judges who will assign an overall rating of the band's performance, i.e., three judges three different overall ratings.
After the stage performance, each band will transition to a new space to sight-read and perform a music composition that the students and the director have never seen before. The band has five minutes to practice the piece without producing sounds on their instrument before playing the music composition for an adjudicator.
Tentative Itinerary- Concert Band/Wind SYMPHONY
2:00 pm | Meet in band room, attendance, load equipment, change into concert attire.
3:00 pm | Load the bus and take attendance.
3:10 pm | Depart Berkley High School
4:10 pm | Arrive at Lake Orion High School
4:40 pm | Unload the bus and head to the homeroom area.
5:10 pm
Concert Band/Wind Symphony set-up concert arcs in the homeroom area.
Symphonic Band visit concessions
5:15 pm | Concert Band/Wind Symphony transition to the warm-up room.
5:20 pm
Concert Band warm-up.
Symphonic Band in auditorium to listen to Lake Orion Scripps MS stay in auditorium until after BHS Symphonic Band
5:50 pm | BHS Concert Band/Wind Symphony Stage Performance
6:15 pm
Concert Band Sight-Reading
Symphonic Band watch Concert Band Sight-Read
6:45 pm | Transition back to the homeroom, pack-up musical equipment, visit concessions.
7:00 pm | Unload the bus and head to the homeroom area.
7:20 pm
Symphonic Band set-up concert arcs in the homeroom area.
Concert Band in auditorium to listen to Farmington HS Symphony Orchestra stay in auditorium until after BHS Symphonic Band
7:35 pm | Symphonic Band transition to the warm-up room.
7:40 pm | Symphonic Band warm-up
8:10 pm | BHS Symphonic Band Stage Performance
8:40 pm
Symphonic Band Sight-Reading
Concert Band watch Symphonic Band Sight-Read
9:10 pm | Transition back to the warm-up room area and begin packing-up musical equipment.
9:15 pm |Transition To Bus
9:20 pm | Depart Lake Orion H.S. and transition to Berkley H.S.
9:50 pm | Arrive at Berkley H.S. and unload equipment and Dismissal.