Berkley Band Boosters


The Berkley Band Boosters (BIB) is a 501(c)3 organization whose purpose is to raise awareness and funds for the band programs in the Berkley School District. We support the band programs grades 5-12. Our board and general membership meet monthly to discuss fundraising, awards, sponsorships and opportunities to support our award-winning music educators. BBB includes an all-volunteer board in addition to student representatives and music directors. We welcome new members and are actively seeking additional sponsorships from our community.

Our biggest fundraiser initiative is Tag Days, where students request donations while at area retailers and businesses. These, along with concert program advertisements and donations from parents and the community are what maintains the instrumental music program.

Although the Berkley School District is extremely supportive of its instrumental music program, and is a multi-year winner of the NAMM ‘Best District for Music Education,” it takes the efforts of the BBB to ensure a well-equipped music program. 

Be sure to like us on Facebook at Berkley Instrumental Boosters and on Instagram. Please also follow the Berkley Band Parents page to post your own photos, ask questions, make comments/suggestions, etc.

2024-25 Officers

Click each name to contact:

President - Danielle Moody

Vice President - Amy Chimovitz

Treasurer - Heather Schueler

Secretary - Stephanie Crane

Member-at-large - Jennifer Johnson

Member-at-large - Chris Diatto

Contact Berkley Band Booster Board

If you have any questions or ideas for the Berkley Instrumental Boosters, fill out the form below and click on the submit button. One of the executive board members will be sure to respond to you.